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Storm Clean Up Assistance Notice


Crews contracted by the city of Garfield will be making multiple trips throughout the city to pick up storm debris. They are not allowed to enter private property, but they will pick up all debris their equipment can reach from the side of the road.  Please place debris at the curb/right of way and sort tree/vegetative storm debris from other types of storm debris.  Please keep garbage or recycling bins separate from the storm debris, if possible, as the storm crews are not the same crews as the normal garbage or recycling crews.   Storm debris crews will be using large grapple claws operated from above their tall trucks, so please do not stack debris on top of meters, against guy wires, or other items which might get damaged by the collection equipment.

If you need assistance in cutting up and moving tree debris to the right of way, we can connect you to volunteer agencies that are able to help.  These same agencies may also aid in moving trees off houses, tarping roofs, etc. If this type of tornado recovery assistance is needed, please email your name, address in Garfield, and an explanation of the help needed to the following email address: garfieldtornadohelp@gmail.comWe will respond with a list of organizations you can call.